Friday night I got food poisoning from a food court doughnut. I’ve always loved street food and in years of traveling have never gotten sick from the array of grilled mystery meats that I sometimes suspected were freshly pulled from the road, fried odds and ends served in month old newspapers, or the soups that I can’t find a single recognizable vegetable or meat. Now I will never avoid these delightful treats (or suspicious consumables) because it was not any of these cheap eats that made me sick. It was a snack from a chain shop in the mall food court. Because of that mediocre snack I spent the next 15 hours puking. I couldn’t even stand up without vomiting or feeling like I was going to black out. After an hour I couldn’t even keep down a few sips of water. Not to mention that this was also my birthday weekend. Isaac was incredible and took care of me just like my mommy would have, getting me water and juice and yogurt in case I ever felt like eating or drinking again. When I finally stopped puking the next day I felt like I had been run over by a truck and had to cancel my dive trip with Toei and Morgan as well as my birthday festivities. I slept all day and most of the next before I finally got up to eat and look at the sun from a safe distance. I realized tonight that even days later, my collar bones hurt and I’m pretty sure my tendons are still tight enough to play nursery rhymes on. EVERYTHING aches. The funny part is that aside from ruining my awesome birthday plans, this bout of food poisoning was still a pleasure compared to what I had in Benin.
(Have to mention that mister doughnut also makes 'sushi do' which are doughnuts that look like sushi!You see why I caved...)
Bummer! i had food poisoning and while i was pacing back and forth in the bathroom waiting for the next explosion i could only picture the movie alien. Happy Birthday anyway Jackie.
This is the first I've heard about Benin. What happened?